
Showing posts from April, 2015

Montagne Jeunesse Manuka Honey Peel Off or Black Seaweed

Montagne Jeunesse Masque- Manuka Honey Peel Off * Just a reminder that I received this product for FREE from @Influenster and Montagne Jeunesse * Okay so this was my first time ever using a face mask and after this experience, I will probably be using it regularly! I absolutely loved this mask and how it made my face feel afterwards. The masque felt like honey as I applied it to my face and smelled so good I was almost tempted to taste it! As I mentioned in my first blog post, I am a Miami native. If you have ever visited Miami then you know how unbearably hot it can get, especially now that summer is starting. Well thanks to this Montagne Jeunesse Masque it was like a 20 minute break of consistent coolness . It was relaxing, refreshing, and so easy to use. When the time was up I peeled it off with no hassle whatsoever! My face felt clean and fresh and I would recommend this product to all of my friends! Next on my list: Black Seaweed Peel Off Masque ! If you'd like


Hello bloggers! Hope you're having a beautiful Easter weekend!  "   9  For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead,  he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him.   10  The death he died, he died to sin  once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God." Romans 6:9-10  Well my new @Influenster voxbox arrived afew weeks ago! It's called the #Refreshvoxbox, and it was chock-full of goodies!  The total value of this box was around $40 !! But I received all of these items FREE for testing purposes! Influenster really is an awesome program and if you don't mind posting on social media every now and then about some GREAT products,that you test for free, than I would encourage you to join! You can follow my link below to sign up now! Now, let's get back to the Refresh VoxBox....  Item 1: Beanitos Chips  These awesome chips are made from all natural products, full of fiber and