
Showing posts from June, 2020

Ew. Go Away & Stay Away!

I promise, I am not talking about you! I'm only talking about all those creepy crawly pests that are constantly lurking and waiting for their chance to infest all that is good. Thankfully, I have some help keeping those pests away this summer thanks to Earth Kind. According to its website, EarthKind is a naturally effective pest control solution that repels pests from infested areas and prevents them from coming back. To learn more about their company watch this video: I love that these products don't actually kill or poison pests, just repel them. Their mission, "preserve the good and prevent the rests" is something worth standing by and I am so glad I was introduced to this company through Tryazon. I received a party pack from Tryazon that brought not just products for me to test but also a few Stay Away Spider repellent packs to share with friends/family. Take a look at my video to see what was in the party pack: We held a pool party just last week whe