Welcome Back!!

Hi friends!

If you’ve had a chance to look at my previous blog posts you may have noticed a pretty large gap in the time between my last post and this one. A little over 3 years of a gap actually. So when I say welcome back, truth is I am actually saying it to myself (how egotistical, gosh😋). Anyways, I’m gonna let you in on a personal detail, which is that my last blog post was actually written when I was one month into grad school 😳 Truth is I had no idea how time consuming grad school would be & I totally believed I could juggle school, work, family, friends, AND a blog. But that was definitely not the case, so here I am restarting my blog to create a space to share the little things in life that get me excited! 

When I first started college as an undergrad student I really learned to figure out the best ways to stretch my small, and sometimes nonexistent,  income. Hence, Beauty met her Budget. And we have been inseparable since. I plan to share a little bit of everything on here, from deals, to freebies, to delicious recipes, DIY projects, and even inspirational quotes (sometimes cheesy but oh so necessary!). I hope my profile can be one that uplifts you, motivates you, and maybe even makes you laugh(?). 

Although I won’t be sharing much personal info, just cause I don’t think that’s useful for what I want to create here, I do want to share my passions & (slowly developing) creativity with you all and I promise to always do it with authenticity and honesty. Hope to *see* you around!



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