The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

Alrighty, so here it is: I am a college student from Miami who is probably the last person you'd expect to be blogging. I love shopping & eating yummy food and I especially love when I get to do those things for free(or at least very close to free). Believe it or not, achieving this is not as crazy as it sounds. In the past two years I have come across so many opportunities to get FREE high-value items that were never taken advantage of because of a lack of awareness. That's why I decided to write this blog. I want to share all my exciting finds with other people like me who love buying Starbucks and chocolate, but can't spend the cash because they have other things to pay for like books and tuition. As I mentioned before, I'm not exactly "blogger" material and my posts may not be the most entertaining ones you'll come across. But I promise they will definitely be worth ($$$) your time!

Talk to you soon,
(Pretty Little Saver)

P.S.- I am a total Disney fanatic so don't be surprised if you find lots of "magical" references throughout my posts!!


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