Curly Hair, DO Care!


Over the past few years, I have really come to realize just how much work is involved in having pretty waves and curls in your hair. A curly look is not a "woke up like this" or "effortless" look, and it requires the right products! I was so excited when Tryazon posted about a new, CurlKeeper party hosting opportunity and was double excited when I got chosen as a host!

If you are new to my page and have not heard of Tryazon before... here's the deal: it is one of the best sampling communities there is, where you get to apply for Parties and receive completely free products to review and share with friends and family. I have hosted several of these parties and I have come to find some of my favorite products through it (Examples: Organic India Tea - a.k.a. best tea ever & Silk'n Infinity - an affordable laser hair removal device that you can use at home!). If you want more information, watch this INFO VIDEO and to sign up go HERE.

Now back to my Curl Keeper Challenge party! As part of my party pack I received:

• CurlKeeper Original Liquid Styler
• Refresh with Hold -Next Day Styling Spray
• Flexy Brush
• H20 Water Bottle

I also received samples of the original liquid styler to share with guests! This will be a zoom party's I dropped off the sample bottles before hand so my guests had the chance to test it before the party happened. For a quick view of all the products in my party pack check out my unboxing video here:

Our party was over Zoom and we had a blast! I invited some of my friends and family who also struggle with the taming of wavy/curly hair and we talked all thing hair care and beauty. I showed them the products that came as part of my host gift, and explained how Curl Keeper was a company that focused on products meant for waves and curls. They are tailor made for reducing frizz, defining curls, and giving shine! Because I had given them the Liquid styler samples ahead of the party we were able to share our experiences with it during the party. At that time only two of the guests had tried it, but they were both very satisfied with the results. They loved the shine and how it made their wet hair manageable for styling. I shared with them a code given to us by CurlKeeper to get a special discount on their website. As always, I gave them the 411 on Tryazon and how much I love being a member of the Tryazon community and encouraged them all to sign up for themselves!

I have two more Tryazon parties coming up soon that I am so excited to share about! So keep an eye on my instagram or follow this blog to stay in the loop ! 




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