Healthy + Baking ?? How does that work?

 Healthy Baking doesn't seem like a phrase that makes much sense. And when I first tried to think of it, I only thought of the most unappetizing recipes I could think of. BUT, Organic India is on a mission to make healthy conscious living a priority for everyone and that includes eating baked goods that benefit your body instead of harm it. That is why they have brought whole husk psyllium fiber to the US and made sure that it was high quality, and Certified Organic. Thanks to Tryazon, I was able to test three flavors of this fiber as part of a Healthy Baking party! 

If you are new to my page and have not heard of Tryazon before... here's the deal: it is one of the best sampling communities there is, where you get to apply for Parties and receive completely free products to review and share with friends and family. I have hosted several of these parties and I have come to find some of my favorite products through it (Examples: Organic India Tea - a.k.a. best tea ever & Silk'n Infinity - an affordable laser hair removal device that you can use at home!). If you want more information, watch this INFO VIDEO and to sign up go HERE.

So, back to the party! I received the following products as part of my Party pack:
  • Psyllium Pre & Probiotic Fiber Original

  • Psyllium Pre & Probiotic Fiber Cinnamon Spice

  • Psyllium Pre & Probiotic Fiber Orange

  • Ceylon Cinnamon Caps 90 ct

  • Variety of Tea Samples

  • Notebook

  • Bookmarks

  • Recipe Cards

  • Coupons

  • Tote bags

  • Host Gift: tumbler!

(To see my unboxing, go here!)

I had never heard of psyllium fiber prior to this party, and was pleasantly surprised at how beneficial this product was. As detailed by Organic India, "dietary fiber supports digestive health, heart health, helps lower cholesterol. Pre and probiotics nourish and support a healthy gut microbiome... Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Triphala formula supports gastrointestinal health, healthy elimination, and regularity; Heart Healthy; Promotes satiety — keto friendly; An Organic-Certified Pre and Probiotic Soluble and Insoluble Fiber Source"

However, my first run at trying to bake with them was a total bust. The packages don't really explain how to use these, and I wanted to try incorporating the product into a recipe that I had already done before. Turns out I added WAY too much of the fiber and the dough become really tough and gooey. No good for baking and even though it was the orange fiber, it tasted flavorless when baked.

Thankfully I was feeling extra determined and gave it another shot with some "cupcakes" ( a bit more like muffins)! I added about a 1/4 of the amount I used in the previous recipe and used Cinnamon Spice instead. The texture was again much dryer than normal no-fiber cupcakes but this time, they tasted super yummy!! I also added some walnuts in there, which added some really nice crunch.

Since these turned out so yummy, I frosted them and put them into gift boxes to include in my guest goodie bags! Once the goodie bags were prepared, we just had to wait for the party day! My guests had a great time and were also impressed at how the fiber added to the baked treat and not only tasted good but was also beneficial to their health. They also drank a lot of tea!! Lol! Check out the "cupcakes" below:

Follow along on Instagram @beauty.n.thebudget for my next projects & parties!


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